Sponsoring us
Is your company willing to sponsor us?
We are not only looking for sponsors who want to help us financially, but also companies that can support us with their products.

In addition to specific 'donkey products', we also need many other items that are necessary for our work. In exchange for your sponsorship, we will list your company and logo on this website.
If desired, your company name will also be mentioned in our donkey park, for example on the material you sponsored or in another suitable place. It goes without saying that we are also happy to help you generate publicity around your sponsorship in other ways!
We are currently urgently looking for sponsors for the following projects.
hay / alfalfa bales
grass lumps
shade roof (enter your name)
fencing material galvanized
rolls of gauze
Mesitran honey ointment
Car for volunteers
But we can also use many other products (from cleaning cloths to outdoor lighting) very well!
If your company might be of service to us, please contact us: info@donkeysanctuary.com